Psychological Services Group

FAA / Pilots

Welcome, Pilots!

Dr. Stocker is an approved FAA HIMS Neuropsychologist in Alaska.

Individuals pursuing a medical certificate or those who have a medical certificate may be required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to complete psychological or neuropsychological testing. These evaluations follow specific protocols that are determined by the FAA and include a variety of test measures.

If testing is required, the individual must be working with an Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) prior to completing the evaluation with Dr. Stocker. These evaluations will not be billed to insurance as they are not considered medically necessary. The evaluation is typically 12-14 hours depending on the complexity of the situation and length of medical records that require review. An individual’s medical file must be received by Dr. Stocker prior to the start of the testing, which can take up to 6 weeks to be sent by the FAA. Please contact our office for a copy of the FAA’s Request of Airman Medical Records form.

Feel free to contact our office for further information.